美國知名饒舌歌手「吹牛老爹」(Sean ”Diddy” Combs)捲入性交易、性虐待和強暴等醜聞,近日爆料者再+1人。前女模麥金尼(Crystal McKinney)指控,22歲被迫在吹牛老爹位於紐約市(New York City)的錄音室為他口交 ...
紐約市水務委員會(New York City Water Board)此前計畫將全市水費調漲8.5%,並將從28日起舉行公聽會,如果最終獲得通過,新水費將從7月1日起生效。根據市環境保護局(Department of Environmental ...
A statue of sea goddess Mazu brought from Beigang Chaotian Temple in Taiwan's Yunlin County is surrounded by visitors at the ...
A video link between New York City and Dublin that was shut down due to inappropriate behavior on both sides of the Atlantic ...
I realized it was time to forge my own path, not just a career one, but a path that intertwined my faith with my heritage.
On July 14th, 2024, Sultan Room Roof Deck will be hosting "The NYC BuskerBall" a celebration of New York City's lively street ...
美國33歲富豪、科技企業家薩利赫(Fahim Saleh)2020年7月遭到斬首肢解,當局調查後發現,凶嫌竟是他的個人助理,因為擔心從老闆那裡偷竊40萬美元(約新台幣近1300萬)事跡敗露,甚至因此被女友拋棄,竟然痛下殺手。
歷史上有些人的地位太重要,讓他們的身體部位在死後都會被妥善保管,有些甚至在拍賣會上出現過。近日就有消息傳出,拿破崙的生殖器後來民間,現在被一名女子伊萬(Evan Lattimer)所擁有。
高人氣動畫《進擊的巨人》於去年結束長達 10 年播映,不過首集巨人大舉入侵的震撼場面至今仍深深刻在粉絲們腦海中。音樂劇「《進擊的巨人》-the Musical-」在日本擁有高評價,如今官方也宣布今年 10 月將飛往美國展開首度海外公演。
Over 100 overseas Taiwanese nationals have raised the money to purchase a sign promoting the “Bluebird Movement” in New York ...
Taiwanese film "The Time of Huannan" (環南時候) has been selected to feature at the 2024 New York Asian Film Festival, according ...
由國際策展人 Sunny Chiang (姜冬仁) 規劃,展出新生代美籍台灣藝術家 James Hsieh (謝高元) 之個人展覽-《Dreamscape: A Kaleidoscope of ...