If Donald Trump’s stalled trials in D.C., Florida or Georgia eventually come before a jury, his status as a felon will make a ...
Aaron Rodgers was at UFC 302 in Newark, New Jersey, on Saturday night, and he got to witness firsthand the thunderous ...
Australians are more distrustful of the US than at any time in Joe Biden’s administration, a Lowy Institute poll found, while ...
Lock her up” is perhaps one of the most popular chants among Trump supporters, and he agreed with it on several occasions.
Writer Michael Harriott compiled a thread of “hypocrites”: Donald Trump’s most vociferous supporters after the verdict that ...
Donald Trump Jr. harshly criticized Republican lawmakers for what he sees as their failure to fight against their Democratic ...
Trump is poised to lose a small — but significant — share of GOP voters over his conviction. A Reuters/Ipsos survey found ...
Among the attendees of Johnson’s speech at the Peoria-Tazewell Lincoln Day Dinner, the consensus was that Trump’s conviction ...