BRAUNSCHWEIG, Germany — Getting bit by a spider can be really scary regardless of which species bit you. They creep and crawl and can sneak around until they attack. Thankfully, humans may now have an ...
PITTSBURGH – Are statins the right drug for everyone trying to prevent heart disease? Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh say that a new risk scale for heart health could change the entire ...
GRONINGEN, Netherlands — Picture this: you’re at the grocery store, feeling virtuous as you reach for the low-fat yogurt. But then, you find yourself grabbing a pack of sugary cookies. If this sounds ...
In September 2023, several people came down with dengue fever in Paris, France. The presence of this mosquito-borne disease was notable for two reasons. It was the most northerly outbreak ever ...
ADELAIDE, Australia — In an increasingly digital world, cash is becoming a relic of the past. With the rise of credit cards, mobile wallets, and Buy-Now-Pay-Later schemes, more and more consumers are ...
TORONTO, Ontario — In a cosmic detective story, astronomers have uncovered new clues about the origins of some of the most enigmatic events in the universe – fast radio bursts (FRBs). These ...
MELBOURNE, Australia — If you thought revenge porn and leaking nude photos was disturbing enough, brace yourself for the even darker phenomenon of “sextortion.” A major new international study has ...
NEW YORK — Men get sick just like everyone else, but a new poll finds the perception of being “less manly” keeps many from actually taking a day off. Over half of American men surveyed feel the need ...
Imagine a future where the smell of menthol could alleviate some of the worst symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. This might sound like science fiction, but innovative new research is making it a ...
GUILDFORD, United Kingdom — Have you ever tried to break a bad habit or form a new healthy one, only to find yourself slipping back into old patterns? You’re not alone. The struggle to change our ...
GRANADA, Spain — Does the time of day that you exercise make a difference in your health? A new study by scientists at the University of Granada suggests it just might be, particularly if you’re at ...
WASHINGTON — Do we really learn from our mistakes? We’ve all heard the comforting refrains about failure: “Fail your way to success!” or “Each failure is a stepping stone!” Inspirational quotes from ...